What is this blog about?

This blog was designed with the intention of teaching those who might’ve heard a bit about Cyber Security and want to know more about it, or want to, in general, become more educated in the topic to better protect themselves online. The resources / blogs here are intentional to be helpful for those that might not know much about these topics, as well as introduce new topics to those who might already know stuff about Cyber Security.

Why Lukewarm Security?

I’m always learning more and more about Cyber Security. The content here explains some of the topics that I know about / have done research into, but I’m still relatively new to this space. Because I’m still new, and learning more and more about this, I don’t claim to be an expert or a seasoned professional (hence it not being hot), yet I have had experience working in the field and education (hence it not being cold) and love to share what I’ve learnt with others.

Who am I?

I’m a Graduate Software and Security Engineer at a company called Internet 2.0, having recently completed a Bachelor of Computer Science at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia.

I’m passionate about all things Security and Coding, and love sharing what I’ve learnt with others.